【基本信息】 |
教师姓名:刘飞 |
学历学位:研究生 博士 |
政治面貌:中共党员 |
所在部门:水文与水资源工程系 |
出生年月:1987年9月 |
导师类别:硕士生导师 |
民 族:汉族 |
电子邮箱:liufei@hebeu.edu.cn |
职 称:副教授 |
办公地址: 26号楼305 |
【研究方向】 |
2016.08-至今 河北工程大学 十大赌博老品牌网站 教师
2018.12-2020.12 美国亚利桑那大学 水文水资源系 博士后(国家公派全额资助)
2013.09-2016.07 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 自然地理学 博士
2010.09-2013.07 中国地质大学(北京) 水文学及水资源 硕士
2006.09-2010.06 河北地质大学 水文与水资源工程 学士
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,41901039,华北平原典型超采治理区地下水变化机理及趋势预测研究,2020/01-2022/12,主持.
2. 河北省优秀青年科学基金项目,D2022402013,河北典型压采区地下水动力场与化学场演化机制研究,2022/01-2024/12,主持.
3. 河北省教育厅青年拔尖人才项目,BJ2021014,漳河上游大型水库调蓄影响下的地下水水化学形成机理研究,2021/01-2023/12,主持.
4. 河北省自然科学基金青年基金项目,D2019402045,变化环境下黑龙洞泉域地下水水化学形成机理研究,2019/01-2021/12,主持.
5. 河北省教育厅青年基金项目,QN2018076,基于环境同位素及水化学方法的黑龙洞泉域水循环机理研究,2018/01-2020/12,主持.
[1] Fei Liu *, Jingkun Zhang, Shiqin Wang, Jiawen Zou, Pinna Zhen. Multivariate statistical analysis of chemical and stable isotopic data as indicative of groundwater evolution with reduced exploitation. Geoscience Frontiers. 2023, 14(1), 101476. (SCI, 1区top)
[2] Fei Liu *, Jiawen Zou, Jingran Liu, Jingkun Zhang, Pinna Zhen. Factors controlling groundwater chemical evolution with the impact of reduced exploitation. Catena. 2022, 214, 106261. (SCI, 1区top)
[3] Fei Liu, Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh*, Yu-Li Wang, Xianfang Song, Xiaohui Lei, Jet-Chau Wen, Wenke Wang, Yonghong Hao. Potential of Hydraulic Tomography in Identifying Boundary Conditions of Groundwater Basins. Water Resources Research. 2020, 56(12), e2020WR028331. (SCI, 1区top)
[4] Fei Liu, Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh*, Yu-Li Wang, Yonghong Hao, Jet-Chau Wen, Wenke Wang. Characterization of basin-scale aquifer heterogeneity using transient hydraulic tomography with aquifer responses induced by groundwater exploitation reduction. Journal of Hydrology. 2020, 588, 125137. (SCI, 1区top)
[5] Fei Liu, Xianfang Song*, Lihu Yang, Dongmei Han, Yinghua Zhang, Ying Ma, Hongmei Bu. The role of anthropogenic and natural factors in shaping the geochemical evolution of groundwater in the Subei Lake basin, Ordos energy base, Northwestern China. Science of the Total Environment. 2015, 538: 327-340. (SCI, 1区top)
[6] Fei Liu, Xianfang Song*, Lihu Yang, Yinghua Zhang, Dongmei Han, Ying Ma, Hongmei Bu. Identifying the origin and geochemical evolution of groundwater using hydrochemistry and stable isotopes in the Subei Lake basin, Ordos energy base, Northwestern China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2015, 19 (1):551-565. (SCI, 1区top)
[7] Fei Liu, Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh*, Xianfang Song, Yu-Li Wang, Jet-Chau Wen, Yonghong Hao, Wenke Wang. Temporal sampling and role of flux measurements for subsurface heterogeneous characterization in groundwater basins using hydraulic tomography. Hydrological Processes. 2021, 35(8): e14299. (SCI, 2区)
[8] Fei Liu*, Shou Wang, Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh, Pinna Zhen, Lishu Wang, Liming Shi. Using multivariate statistical techniques and geochemical modelling to identify factors controlling the evolution of groundwater chemistry in a typical transitional area between Taihang Mountains and North China Plain. Hydrological Processes. 2020, 34(8): 1888-1905. (SCI, 2区)
[9] Fei Liu, Zhipeng Zhao, Lihu Yang*, Yuxue Ma, Yingchun Xu, Liang Gong, Haiyan Liu. Geochemical characterization of shallow groundwater using multivariate statistical analysis and geochemical modeling in an irrigated region along the upper Yellow River, Northwestern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2020, 215, 106565. (SCI, 2区)
[10] Fei Liu *, Shou Wang, Lishu Wang, Liming Shi, Xianfang Song, Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh, Pinna Zhen. Coupling hydrochemistry and stable isotopes to identify the major factors affecting groundwater geochemical evolution in the Heilongdong Spring Basin, North China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2019, 205, 106352. (SCI, 2区)